What will you need? Here is a list of what would be ideal to have: Notepad, pens, pencils ... - Taking note in a search is mandatory! Locations, dates, times, names of witnesses, contact information, environmental conditions and experiences. It can be free-form in a notebook or standardized in the form of a form. Flashlight - Most of the time you will do this at night, in dark places or with lights off. I do not even need to explain much, you WILL WANT to have a flashlight on hand, believe me! You can carry a larger flashlight and a small flashlight in your pockets, or opt for those that get stuck on your head to have your hands free to handle other devices. Red filters in flashlights also help your eyes recover faster in the dark if you need to turn off the lights. The prices of the lanterns can vary between R $ 25,00 and R $ 100,00. Extra Batteries and / or Batteries - You will need batteries and batteries in various equipments, and you will not risk going only with those that are already in the devices, right! Are you going to risk the risk of filming an activity the camera stops? Remember that in places with a history of activity the energies of the devices tend to be sucked quickly, it is common for your cell phone to discharge quickly, or the machine that was supercharged have its battery exhausted after very few photos. Stay tuned. Clock - It's super important to note down the timings, it can even help you find patterns in the apparitions. If more people are investigating with you, synchronize your watches. Watches are devices sensitive to paranormal activities and it is not uncommon to see them stop without explanation. If this happens write down the time that it stopped at where that occurred. There are many stories where a family clock stops well at the time of death of a relative. Compass - A much cheaper option for detecting strange electromagnetic fields. It is very popular among beginners. When everything is normal the needle of the compass points to the North, so if it is influenced by some other energy field it will point to another place or move in an unusual way. In some cases the needle keeps running, this is indicative that you have probably detected an invisible spirit. The compasses do not even come close to the accuracy of electronic devices intended for electromagnetic field detection, but "who does not have a cat-hunting dog" is their cheapest option. It costs on average R $ 20,00. Electromagnetic Field Meter - If you are even determined to do so, you should acquire an Electromagnetic Field Meter. They cost, here in Brazil, on average R $ 400,00 !!! One of the reasons why there are more American paranormal researchers than Brazilians is the price of the equipment! They are very expensive here for us. . . . . . . Camera Machine - Who would not want to have a record as a Ghost Photo? For this we need to have a digital camera in hand. But how can you photograph a ghost? Think of a fan ... when it is spinning very fast its blades are virtually invisible. This is because the light, reflected in the blades, is broken by a faster oscillation than the brain can perceive. But if we take a picture of the moving fan we may be able to see that its propellers are there, even if they are erased. Ghosts can behave in a similar way, oscillating at a higher frequency than our human eyes can detect. Then the photograph could record them. You will need to study to see if you have captured an apparition or not, as they do not always appear as a person with a full body or face, often appear as Orb, fog, light or shadow, but still need Criterion to rule out other possibilities such as someone smoking in the place, dust, reflection of some source of light, etc. A Digital machine costs on average R $ 350.00. Video Camera (preferably with Night Vision) - If you have conditions, the ideal is to have a camcorder camera with night vision that costs on average $ 800.00. If it does not, the camera itself also makes short films, but then it would be nice to have more than one. It would be cool for every staff member to have their camera (which also makes movies) on hand. You can leave the cameras strategically positioned on tripods. Camcorders are sensitive to the near infrared field and can pick up things that our naked eyes can not. Use the Remote Control example: press any button on your TV control, do you see any light coming out of it with the naked eye? No ... Now point your control to your Web Cam or camcorder and press a button, it will appear on the screen like a flashlight! It is something that only the camera is capturing, something that your eyes do not see with the naked eye.
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